Project | SmartStarCity
New technologies create the cities of the future and make life for their residents much easier. The SmartStarCity project will introduce smart solutions aimed at the development of city infrastructure and increase the comfort of living in the cities of Kakhovka, Nova Kakhovka and Tavriysk.
Smart Star City
The SmartStarCity project has the goal to introduce smart solutions into the city’s infrastructure with the involvement of private investment in a public-private partnership. Also, project will be implemented with the support of the national mobile operator Kyivstar.
Today, there are many contractors in Ukraine that offer smart technologies and partially implemented pilot projects. However, there are no ready-made smart cities to serve as an example of comprehensive solution with implemented smart infrastructure.
Reasons for this:
- it is difficult to choose the best among the many solutions for implementation in smart infrastructure;
- it is impossible to find the necessary funds in the community budget for the implementation of a comprehensive project, and socio-economic improvements resulted from the project implementation become noticeable only over time — after the implementation of smart solutions.
The SmartStarCity project is a comprehensive project that will help implement smart solutions in cities without involving budget funds. It is a flexible project, thanks to which each community can choose from a set of possible smart solutions the most relevant one to implement in their city.
Investment objects
As mentioned above, the project is flexible, so it covers several objects for investment:
Smart lighting
System of smart street lighting. This includes replacement of all street lamps, creation of infrastructure for dispatchers, management of the street lighting system. Also, the project includes control of each lamp to reduce electricity consumption and extend their service lifespan. In addition, monitoring of their work will help to ensure its continuity and control of consumption, which will help to avoid unauthorized connection to the network.
Smart accounting
Installation of a network of smart meters (pads with optical / pulse output) with two-way communication for remote data collection, the battery life of which is up to 10 years. Installation of NB-IoT network (Narrowband Internet of Things) by Kyivstar operator. Also, residents of the city will be able to see data on water use/ This will help detect excessive consumption, which indicates a leak. Thus, statistics on the use of resources for the end user will provide opportunities for their savings.
Smart management of household waste disposal
Automation of processes when working with solid waste. The project envisages control over the filling of garbage cans and bins and activation of alarms in case of vandalism, theft or fire. Moreover, transport costs will be reduced due to the optimization of special equipment routes. The system has a long battery life without the need for additional maintenance.
Protection and security
Monitoring of manhole covers, which will increase safety for pedestrians and reduce the number of thefts of these manhole covers. The project also provides for “smart” street panels, which will have such functions as immediate notification of unauthorized access, detection of components heating and warning of the fire possibility/ Moreover, they will include the ability to send a maintenance request in case of power outages.
Smart buildings
Centralized monitoring and control of utility systems. The project will also reduce costs by saving energy. Also, it will increase the comfort and security of city residents.
Monitoring the operation of utility equipment
Providing the equipment with wireless sensors of temperature, vibration, sound pressure, etc., which will help to detect deviations from the specified values and prevent accidents. This will help reduce the cost of repairing and rehabilitating equipment and utilities (electricity, heating and water supply systems, etc.). The project also covers the procedure of planning repairs and routine work.
Air quality monitoring
Installation of air quality sensors that will measure data such as temperature, relative humidity, CO, CO2 saturation, NO. Furthermore, a special application will be developed to visualize this data and provide warning signals. The project also provides for remote reception of data from sensors in real time. This will help to form a database for a more detailed understanding of local air quality issues.
Flood warning
Installation of sensors with a battery life of up to 10 years to monitor water levels in local reservoirs in real time. This technology will warn of critical levels of water uplift, and will sound alarms even in the early stages of their excess. This will give local authorities and citizens enough time to take appropriate action.
Smart parking
A comprehensive city parking management system, which includes a system for monitoring violations of parking rules and the purchase of appropriate equipment. Installation of under- or above-ground NB-IoT sensors (Internet of Things), which allows residents to see the availability of parking spaces on the website or in a special mobile application.
Implementation of IoT (Internet of Things) services
The implementation of IoT services in the city’s infrastructure includes the following solutions:
- mobile financial services (MFS), which will provide the opportunity to pay for travel by public transport by sending an SMS message and purchasing electronic transport tickets from mobile phone balance means;
- support in the client mobile application of such additional functions as fare payment of public transport and utilities;
- increase of non-cash payments at the enterprises of the city due to payment from the balance of the mobile phone, including payments using the technology of contactless NFC-payments and QR-codes;
- providing citizens with access to electronic portals of the city with the introduction of the MobileID service.
- cloud solutions (IaaS / PaaS / SaaS) to optimize the costs of business and utilities for information resources and technology;
- providing statistics to promote the development of urban infrastructure, optimize the energy efficiency of cities, demographic analysis and tourist flows in the region;
Smart Region
Smart region includes the introduction of cloud technologies for the deployment of service infrastructure without additional costs.
The project includes:
- automation of all administrative services;
- creation of city residents personal accounts on a single portal in the Cloud;
- implementation of the project “Regional e-ticket” — the introduction of a single intelligent transport system as part of an automated system of accounting for profits from tolls and dispatching.